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This function showcases the usage of List.Accumulate in M (Power Query) to perform a cumulative operation on a list of values. It takes a list of values, an initial accumulator value, and an accumulator function, using List.Accumulate to execute

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List.accumulate exemple


Function: listAccumulateExample

This function demonstrates the usage of List.Accumulate in M (Power Query) to perform a cumulative operation on a list of values.

values (list): The input list of values on which the cumulative operation will be performed.
accumulator (any): The initial value for the accumulator.
accumulatorFunction (function): The function to be applied to each element of the list to update the accumulator.

Return Type: any

listAccumulateExample({1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 0, (accumulator, current) => accumulator + current)
Result: 15

listAccumulateExample = (values as list, accumulator as any, accumulatorFunction as function) =>
    List.Accumulate(values, accumulator, (state, current) => accumulatorFunction(state, current));

Usage Example:

// Applying listAccumulateExample function
listAccumulateExample({1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 0, (accumulator, current) => accumulator + current)
// Output: 15

In this example, the listAccumulateExample function takes a list of values, an initial accumulator value, and an accumulator function. The List.Accumulate function is used to perform a cumulative operation on the list by applying the accumulator function to each element of the list. The result of the cumulative operation is returned as the output.

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This function showcases the usage of List.Accumulate in M (Power Query) to perform a cumulative operation on a list of values. It takes a list of values, an initial accumulator value, and an accumulator function, using List.Accumulate to execute the cumulative operation and return the result.