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A function that modifies an Excel table by multiplying the "Amount" column by -1 for rows where the "D/C" column value is "D".

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Write a function in Excel that I have excel table include column named "D/C" I want to create formula if the status is multiplied Amount column by -1 if the "D/C" = D


  1. Function Name: multiply_if_dc
  2. Description: This function takes an Excel table as input and checks the "D/C" column. If the "D/C" value is "D", it multiplies the corresponding amount by -1. Otherwise, it leaves the amount unchanged.
  3. Parameters:
    • excel_table: The Excel table containing the data
  4. Return Type: It returns the modified Excel table with the "Amount" column adjusted.
  5. Exceptions: This function does not raise any exceptions.
Function multiply_if_dc(excel_table As Range) As Range
    ' Get the "D/C" column and the corresponding "Amount" column
    Dim dc_column As Range
    Dim amount_column As Range
    Set dc_column = excel_table.Columns("D/C")
    Set amount_column = excel_table.Columns("Amount")
    ' Loop through each row in the "D/C" column
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To dc_column.Rows.Count
        ' Check if the "D/C" value is "D"
        If dc_column.Cells(i).Value = "D" Then
            ' Multiply the corresponding amount by -1
            amount_column.Cells(i).Value = amount_column.Cells(i).Value * -1
        End If
    Next i
    ' Return the modified Excel table
    Set multiply_if_dc = excel_table
End Function

Usage Example: Suppose we have an Excel table with the following data:

D/C Amount
D 10
C 20
D 30
C 40

To use the multiply_if_dc function, enter the following formula in a cell: =multiply_if_dc(A1:B5). This will modify the "Amount" column based on the "D/C" column's values:

D/C Amount
D -10
C 20
D -30
C 40

The "Amount" column has been multiplied by -1 for rows where the "D/C" value is "D".

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This function takes an Excel table as input and checks the "D/C" column. If the "D/C" value is "D", it multiplies the corresponding amount by -1. Otherwise, it leaves the amount unchanged.


  • excel_table: The Excel table containing the data

Return Type: It returns the modified Excel table with the "Amount" column adjusted.

Exceptions: This function does not raise any exceptions.

Usage Example:

Suppose we have an Excel table with the following data:

D/C Amount
D 10
C 20
D 30
C 40

To use the multiply_if_dc function, enter the following formula in a cell: =multiply_if_dc(A1:B5). This will modify the "Amount" column based on the "D/C" column's values:

D/C Amount
D -10
C 20
D -30
C 40

The "Amount" column has been multiplied by -1 for rows where the "D/C" value is "D".