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Naive Bayes Classification Algorithm

A pseudocode for the Naive Bayes classification algorithm that includes the training and classification phases, as well as utility and helper functions.

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//Pseudocode for Naive Bayes classification algorithm

//Training phase
1. Read the training data set into a matrix X
2. Read the corresponding class labels into a vector Y
3. Calculate the prior probabilities of each class (P(Y=y))
4. For each feature j:
  5. Compute the likelihood probabilities P(Xj=x|Y=y) for each unique value x in feature j and class y
  6. Store the likelihood probabilities in a matrix L

//Classification phase
1. Read the test data set into a matrix X_test
2. For each instance i in X_test:
  3. For each class y:
    4. Initialize the class probability P(Y=y|X_test[i]) to the prior probability P(Y=y)
    5. For each feature j:
      6. Update the class probability P(Y=y|X_test[i]) by multiplying it with the likelihood P(Xj=X_test[i][j]|Y=y)
    7. Normalize the class probabilities for instance i
  8. Assign the class with the highest probability to instance i as the predicted class label

//Utiliity functions
1. computePriorProbabilities(Y): Given a vector Y of class labels, returns a map of prior probabilities P(Y=y) for each unique class y
2. computeLikelihoodProbabilities(X, Y): Given a matrix X of feature values and a vector Y of class labels, returns a matrix L of likelihood probabilities P(Xj=x|Y=y) for each feature j, unique value x, and class y
3. normalizeProbabilities(P): Given a map P of probabilities, normalizes the probabilities so that their sum is 1

//Helper functions
1. computeUniqueValues(X, j): Given a matrix X and a feature index j, returns a vector of unique values in feature j
2. countOccurrences(X, j, value): Given a matrix X, a feature index j, and a value, returns the count of occurrences of the value in feature j of X
3. argmax(P): Given a map P of probabilities, returns the key with the highest value

Example Usage:

//Assuming the functions computePriorProbabilities, computeLikelihoodProbabilities, normalizeProbabilities, computeUniqueValues, countOccurrences and argmax are defined.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>

//Function to train the Naive Bayes classifier
void trainNaiveBayes(const Matrix& X, const Vector& Y) {
    std::map<int, float> classPriorProbabilities = computePriorProbabilities(Y);
    Matrix likelihoodProbabilities = computeLikelihoodProbabilities(X, Y);
    // Do something with classPriorProbabilities and likelihoodProbabilities

//Function to classify new instances using the trained Naive Bayes classifier
Vector classifyNaiveBayes(const Matrix& X_test) {
    Vector predictedLabels;
    for (int i = 0; i < X_test.size(); i++) {
        std::map<int, float> classProbabilities;
        for (auto& classProbability : classPriorProbabilities) {
            float classProbability = classPriorProbabilities[classProbability.first];
            for (int j = 0; j < X_test[i].size(); j++) {
                float likelihood = likelihoodProbabilities[j][X_test[i][j]][classProbability.first];
                classProbability *= likelihood;
            classProbabilities[classProbability.first] = classProbability;
        int predictedLabel = argmax(classProbabilities);
    return predictedLabels;

int main() {
    //Assuming the training data set X and class labels Y are defined
    //Training phase
    trainNaiveBayes(X, Y);
    //Assuming the test data set X_test is defined
    //Classification phase
    Vector predictedLabels = classifyNaiveBayes(X_test);
    // Do something with predictedLabels
    return 0;

In the code example, Matrix and Vector represent a data structure that can hold a matrix (2D array) and a vector (1D array), respectively. The actual implementation of these data structures is omitted for brevity. The functions computePriorProbabilities, computeLikelihoodProbabilities, normalizeProbabilities, computeUniqueValues, countOccurrences, and argmax are assumed to be implemented elsewhere in the code.

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The Naive Bayes classification algorithm is a simple probabilistic algorithm that is commonly used for classification tasks. This pseudocode outlines the steps involved in training and classifying new instances using the Naive Bayes algorithm.

The training phase involves reading the training data set into a matrix and the corresponding class labels into a vector. The prior probabilities of each class are then calculated, along with the likelihood probabilities for each feature and unique value in the training data. These probabilities are stored in a matrix.

The classification phase consists of reading the test data set and iterating over each instance. For each instance, the class probabilities are initialized based on the prior probabilities. The likelihood probabilities are then computed for each feature and multiplied with the corresponding class probability. The class probabilities are normalized, and the predicted class label is assigned based on the class with the highest probability.

Utility functions are provided to compute the prior and likelihood probabilities, as well as to normalize the probabilities. Helper functions are also available to calculate the unique values in a feature and count the occurrences of a value in a feature. Finally, the argmax function is provided to find the key with the highest value in a map of probabilities.

An example usage is shown, where the Naive Bayes classifier is trained and used to classify new instances. The actual implementation of the Matrix and Vector data structures is not included in the pseudocode.