Code Generator | DAX

Rank Results

This function ranks the results based on a specific measure or column

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Write a function in DAX that rank results


Function: Rank Results

This function ranks the results based on a specific measure or column.


  • column: The column or measure to rank the results.
  • ascending: A boolean value indicating whether the ranking should be performed in ascending order. Default is TRUE.

Return Type:




DAX Code:

Rank Results = 
    VAR sorted_table = 
                SUMMARIZE('Table', 'Table'[Column]),
                "Rank", RANKX(ALL('Table'), 'Table'[Column], , IF(ascending, ASC, DESC))
            "Rank Desc", RANKX(ALL('Table'), 'Table'[Column], , IF(ascending, DESC, ASC))


Let's say we have a table called 'Sales' with columns CustomerID and SalesAmount, and we want to rank the customers based on their sales amount:

Rank Results('Sales'[SalesAmount], TRUE)

This will return a table with columns CustomerID, SalesAmount, Rank, and Rank Desc, where Rank represents the ranking in ascending order and Rank Desc represents the ranking in descending order based on the sales amount.

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This function ranks the results based on a specific measure or column. The function takes two parameters: the "column" parameter, which specifies the column or measure to rank the results, and the "ascending" parameter, which is a boolean value indicating whether the ranking should be performed in ascending order. The default value for the "ascending" parameter is TRUE.

The function returns a table with columns "CustomerID", "SalesAmount", "Rank", and "Rank Desc". The "Rank" column represents the ranking in ascending order, while the "Rank Desc" column represents the ranking in descending order. The ranking is based on the specified measure or column.

To use the function, you need to provide the measure or column to rank, and optionally specify the order of the ranking. For example, to rank the customers based on their sales amount in ascending order, you can use the following DAX code:

Rank Results('Sales'[SalesAmount], TRUE)

This will return a table with the ranked results based on the specified measure or column.