
Function to Print Message

This code defines a function in Lua to print a message "Hello, World!" and then calls that function to display the message.

Empty image or helper icon

Function to Print Message


This code defines a function in Lua to print a message "Hello, World!" and then calls that function to display the message.

Simple Message Printer

Tool: Language Translator

Created: 05/05/2024


-- Define a function to print a message
function printMessage()
    print("Hello, World!")

-- Call the function to print the message
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-- Define a function to print a message
function printMessage()
    print("Hello, World!")

-- Call the function to print the message
Lua English to French Translator

Tool: Language Translator

Created: 05/05/2024


Translate the following sentence from English to French: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'.

Code Translation from English to French in Lua

Code Snippet Analysis:

The provided code snippet is a simple task to translate a given English sentence into French.

Translation to Lua:

-- Define a function that translates a given English sentence to French
function translateToFrench(sentence)
    local translations = {
        ['The'] = 'Le',
        ['quick'] = 'rapide',
        ['brown'] = 'brun',
        ['fox'] = 'renard',
        ['jumps'] = 'saute',
        ['over'] = 'par-dessus',
        ['the'] = 'le',
        ['lazy'] = 'paresseux',
        ['dog'] = 'chien'
    local translatedSentence = ""
    for word in sentence:gmatch("%w+") do
        if translations[word] then
            translatedSentence = translatedSentence .. translations[word] .. " "
            translatedSentence = translatedSentence .. word .. " "
    return translatedSentence

-- Call the translation function with the provided English sentence
local englishSentence = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
local frenchTranslation = translateToFrench(englishSentence)

Code Structuring in Lua:

  • Defined a function translateToFrench that takes an English sentence as input and returns the corresponding French translation.
  • Utilized a Lua table translations to map English words to their French counterparts.
  • Iterated over each word in the input sentence, checked if the word has a translation in the table, and constructed the translated sentence accordingly.
  • Called the translation function with the provided English sentence and printed the French translation.