
Managing Throttling, Rate Limits, and Concurrency Control in Power Aut...

Learn how to handle heavy workflows in Power Automate by understanding and managing the throttling mechanism, rate limits, and concurrency control. Discover best practices for optimizing performance and preventing system overload.

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Managing Throttling, Rate Limits, and Concurrency Control in Power Aut...


Managing Throttling, Rate Limits, and Concurrency Control in Power Automate is crucial for handling heavy workflows efficiently. This project provides a comprehensive overview of the throttling mechanism, rate limits, and concurrency control in Power Automate. It explains how throttling is applied at various levels and how rate limits vary depending on licensing tiers and connectors used. The project also delves into concurrency control options and best practices for monitoring and optimizing workflows. By following the guidance provided in this project, Power Automate users can ensure optimal performance and prevent system overload.

Managing Throttling, Rate Limits, and Concurrency Control in Power Aut...

Tool: Tools Advisor

Created: 12/11/2023


Advise on Power Automate Considering Power Automate's compatibility with numerous applications and platforms, how does the throttling mechanism, rate limits and concurrency control work when handling heavy workflows to ensure optimal performance and prevent system overload?

When handling heavy workflows in Power Automate, it's important to consider the throttling mechanism, rate limits, and concurrency control to ensure optimal performance and prevent system overload. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Throttling Mechanism:

  • Power Automate enforces a throttling mechanism to manage the rate at which requests are processed.
  • Throttling is applied at multiple levels, including the user, solution, organization, and tenant levels.
  • The system monitors resource usage and dynamically adjusts the throttle limits based on demand.
  • Throttling limits can vary depending on the type of operation being performed, such as creating a flow or sending an email.
  • When a throttle limit is reached, requests are queued and processed in a first-in, first-out (FIFO) order.

Rate Limits:

  • Rate limits define the maximum number of requests that can be processed within a specified time period.
  • The rate limits in Power Automate depend on the licensing tier (free, per user, or per flow) and the type of connector being used.
  • For example, the rate limit for a free user might be 2000 requests per day, while a per user or per flow license might have higher limits.
  • If the rate limit is exceeded, Power Automate will return a 429 error and the request will be queued for processing.

Concurrency Control:

  • Concurrency control refers to the ability to control the number of simultaneous requests being processed.
  • Power Automate allows you to set the concurrency level for flows that run in parallel.
  • The concurrency control options include sequential, limited concurrency, and maximum concurrency.
  • Sequential execution ensures that requests are processed one at a time in the order they are received.
  • Limited concurrency allows a specified number of requests to be processed simultaneously.
  • Maximum concurrency allows unlimited simultaneous processing, subject to system resources and rate limits.

Best Practices:

  • Monitor and analyze the usage patterns and resource utilization to make informed decisions about throttling, rate limits, and concurrency control settings.
  • Consider the impact of any external systems that Power Automate integrates with, as they may have their own rate limits and concurrency limitations.
  • Test and optimize your workflows to ensure they operate within the allocated resources and limits.
  • Consider using premium connectors or increasing licensing tiers if you require higher rate limits or concurrency control.

Understanding and managing the throttling mechanism, rate limits, and concurrency control in Power Automate will help you design and run workflows efficiently, ensuring optimal performance and preventing system overload.