
Power BI Lookup Table Creation with Countries

Learn how to efficiently create a lookup table with unique countries based on different locations from a fact table in Power BI using DAX expressions and Power Query transformations. Enhance your reports with country information for insightful

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Power BI Lookup Table Creation with Countries


Learn how to efficiently create a lookup table with unique countries based on different locations from a fact table in Power BI using DAX expressions and Power Query transformations. Enhance your reports with country information for insightful analysis.

Power BI Lookup Table Creation with Countries

Tool: Tools Advisor

Created: 04/07/2024


How to create lookup table based on different Location from fact table and add Countries on top of that?

Problem Analysis

To create a lookup table based on different locations from a fact table and add countries on top of that in Power BI, you need to follow a structured approach using DAX expressions and Power Query transformations.

Strategic Solution Development

  1. Power Query:

    • Load your fact table and create a distinct list of locations.
    • Add a custom column to extract the country from each location.
    • Create a new table with unique countries to serve as the lookup table.
  2. DAX Calculations:

    • Link the lookup table with the fact table using a relationship between the country columns.
    • Use the lookup table to enrich your reports with country information.

Comprehensive Advice

  1. In Power Query:

    // Load your fact table and create a distinct list of locations
    LocationsTable = DISTINCT(factTable[Location]),
    // Add a custom column to extract the country from each location
    LocationsTableWithCountry = Table.AddColumn(LocationsTable, "Country", each Text.Middle([Location], 0, 2)),
    // Create a new table with unique countries
    CountriesLookupTable = DISTINCT(LocationsTableWithCountry[Country])
  2. In DAX:

    • Ensure the country column in the lookup table matches the country column in the fact table for establishing a relationship.
    • Use DAX measures to incorporate country information into your reports and visuals.

Detailed Explanations

  • Power Query is used to clean and transform data before loading it into the data model.
  • Creating a lookup table with unique countries allows for efficient mapping and filtering.
  • Establishing relationships enables seamless integration of country data into your Power BI reports.

By following this structured approach, you can effectively create a lookup table based on different locations from a fact table and enhance your analysis with country information in Power BI.