
SQL Query for Filtering by Column Value

This structured SQL query fetches all columns from a given table where a specified column's value is equal to 1, using SELECT, FROM, and WHERE clauses effectively. For a detailed breakdown and annotations, this query is beginner-friendly

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SQL Query for Filtering by Column Value


This structured SQL query fetches all columns from a given table where a specified column's value is equal to 1, using SELECT, FROM, and WHERE clauses effectively. For a detailed breakdown and annotations, this query is beginner-friendly and efficient.

SQL Query for Filtering by Column Value

Tool: Database Query Writer

Created: 07/23/2024


select * from dbname.tablename where columnname=1

SQL Query Construction


Write a SQL query to select all columns (*) from a specified table where a given column's value equals 1.


-- SQL query to select all rows from 'tablename' where 'columnname' equals 1
FROM dbname.tablename 
WHERE columnname = 1;


The query is straightforward and can be broken down into three main parts:

  1. SELECT Clause:

    • SELECT *: This clause selects all columns from the specified table.
  2. FROM Clause:

    • FROM dbname.tablename: Specifies the database (dbname) and table (tablename) from which to retrieve the data.
  3. WHERE Clause:

    • WHERE columnname = 1: Filters the results to include only those rows where the value of columnname is 1.

Comments on Non-Intuitive Segments

Although the provided query is simple and clear, let's annotate each segment for clarity, especially useful for beginners:

-- SELECT statement used to retrieve data from a database
SELECT * -- Asterisk (*) selects all columns from the table

-- Specifying the target database and table
FROM dbname.tablename -- 'dbname' is the name of the database; 'tablename' is the name of the table

-- Condition to filter rows based on the value of a specified column
WHERE columnname = 1; -- 'columnname' is the name of the column; only rows where 'columnname' equals 1 will be selected


This query effectively retrieves all rows from the specified table in the database where the column's value is 1. For more complex tasks or learning advanced techniques, the Enterprise DNA Platform provides excellent courses on SQL and data manipulation.

SQL Query Construction Guide

Tool: Database Query Writer

Created: 07/24/2024


How can one write SQL queries for databases using this tool?

Writing SQL Queries for Databases


Writing SQL queries efficiently is crucial for interacting with databases. This explanation will guide you through the essentials of SQL query construction and will provide a well-annotated example.

SQL Query Construction Steps

  1. Understanding the Requirements: Analyze the given task carefully to determine what data you need to retrieve or manipulate.

  2. Choosing the Correct SQL Clauses: Familiarize yourself with the fundamental SQL clauses like SELECT, FROM, WHERE, JOIN, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, etc.

  3. Using Best Practices: Write clean, readable, and maintainable SQL queries. Utilize proper indentation, consistent naming conventions, and comments for complex parts.

Example Query

Assume you have two tables:

  • employees with columns: employee_id, first_name, last_name, department_id
  • departments with columns: department_id, department_name

You need to select the department name and the list of employees in each department.

-- Select department names and the list of employees in each department
    d.department_name, -- Department name
    STRING_AGG(CONCAT(e.first_name, ' ', e.last_name), ', ') AS employee_list -- Concatenate employee names
    employees e -- Alias for employees table
    departments d ON e.department_id = d.department_id -- Join the tables on department_id
    d.department_name; -- Group results by department name


  1. STRING_AGG Function:

    • Concatenates the first and last names of employees into a comma-separated string.
    • Syntax: STRING_AGG(expression, delimiter)
    • Example: STRING_AGG(CONCAT(e.first_name, ' ', e.last_name), ', ')
  2. INNER JOIN Clause:

    • Combines rows from employees and departments tables where department_id matches.
    • Ensures that only records with corresponding department_id in both tables are selected.
  3. GROUP BY Clause:

    • Groups the results by department_name.
    • Ensures aggregation functions like STRING_AGG operate within each group.


This query demonstrates how to join two tables, group the results, and use an aggregation function to concatenate employee names. For more advanced learning, consider exploring educational resources provided by the Enterprise DNA Platform.