
SQL Mastery Insights

Delve deep into SQL with topics like finding top customers, identifying duplicates, tracking sales trends, and mastering fundamental skills.

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SQL Mastery Insights


Delve deep into SQL with topics like finding top customers, identifying duplicates, tracking sales trends, and mastering fundamental skills.

SQL Query to Find the Top 10 Customers by Total Spending

Tool: Database Query Writer

Created: 06/24/2024


find the top 10 customers by total spending.

SQL Query to Find the Top 10 Customers by Total Spending

Task Analysis

To find the top 10 customers by total spending, we need to:

  1. Aggregate total spending for each customer.
  2. Sort the customers by their total spending in descending order.
  3. Limit the results to the top 10 customers.


Assumptions made for this task:

  • We have a transactions table with at least the following columns: customer_id and amount.
  • customer_id uniquely identifies each customer.
  • amount is the spending amount per transaction.

Query Construction

The following SQL query achieves the task:

    SUM(amount) AS total_spending
    total_spending DESC


-- Select customer_id and the aggregated total spending per customer
    customer_id,                         -- Return the customer ID
    SUM(amount) AS total_spending        -- Aggregate function to sum the spending of each customer
    transactions                         -- The table containing transaction data
    customer_id                          -- Group the results by customer ID to calculate the total spending for each customer
    total_spending DESC                  -- Sort the results in descending order of total spending
LIMIT 10;                                -- Limit the results to the top 10 customers


  1. SELECT Clause:
    • Retrieves the customer_id and calculates the total_spending using the SUM function.
  2. FROM Clause:
    • Specifies the table (transactions) from which to retrieve the data.
  3. GROUP BY Clause:
    • Groups the results by customer_id to calculate the total spending for each customer.
  4. ORDER BY Clause:
    • Sorts the aggregated results in descending order of total_spending to identify the top spenders.
  5. LIMIT Clause:
    • Restricts the output to the top 10 customers by total spending.


This SQL query efficiently identifies and retrieves the top 10 customers based on their total spending, and the annotations help explain the purpose and functionality of each segment of the query. For further learning, the Enterprise DNA platform offers comprehensive courses in data and SQL best practices.

SQL Query to Identify Inactive Customers

Tool: Database Query Writer

Created: 06/24/2024


query to identify customers who have not made any purchases in the last year.

SQL Query to Identify Inactive Customers

The following SQL query is designed to identify customers who have not made any purchases in the last year. The query assumes the existence of two tables: customers and orders. The customers table contains a list of all customers, and the orders table contains purchase records, including order dates.

Tables Structure

  • customers

    • customer_id: Unique identifier for each customer
    • customer_name: Name of the customer
  • orders

    • order_id: Unique identifier for each order
    • customer_id: Identifier linking the order to a customer
    • order_date: Date when the order was placed

SQL Query

-- Select all customers who have not made any purchases in the last year

    customers c
    orders o ON c.customer_id = o.customer_id
    o.order_id IS NULL 
    OR o.order_date < NOW() - INTERVAL '1 year'
    c.customer_id, c.customer_name
    MAX(o.order_date) IS NULL 
    OR MAX(o.order_date) < NOW() - INTERVAL '1 year';

Explanation and Annotations

  1. Table Selection and Join:

    • We perform a LEFT JOIN between the customers and orders tables to ensure that all customers are included in the result set, even those with no orders.
        customers c
        orders o ON c.customer_id = o.customer_id
  2. Filtering Inactive Customers:

    • We use a WHERE clause to filter out active customers who have placed orders within the last year. This includes those with no related order records (o.order_id IS NULL) or those with the last order date older than one year.
        o.order_id IS NULL 
        OR o.order_date < NOW() - INTERVAL '1 year'
  3. Grouping Results:

    • We group the results by the customerā€™s ID and name to prepare for the HAVING clause.
        c.customer_id, c.customer_name
  4. Final Filtering with HAVING:

    • We further filter the groups to ensure we only retrieve customers who have not made any purchases in the last year using the HAVING clause.
        MAX(o.order_date) IS NULL 
        OR MAX(o.order_date) < NOW() - INTERVAL '1 year';

By executing this query, you will get a list of customers who have not made any purchases in the last year. This method ensures thorough identification of inactive customers while addressing different edge cases, such as customers with no orders at all.

For further learning and an in-depth understanding of SQL, consider exploring Enterprise DNA's Data Mentor platform.

SQL Query to Find Duplicate Records in the Customer Table

Tool: Database Query Writer

Created: 06/24/2024


find duplicate records in the customer table and suggest a method to resolve them.

SQL Query to Find Duplicate Records in the Customer Table

Task Understanding

The objective is to identify duplicate records in the customer table. Duplicates are often identified based on key fields that should uniquely identify each record, such as customer_id, email, or other pertinent attributes.

Query Construction

The following SQL query identifies duplicate records based on the combination of customer_name and email. The query groups these fields and counts the occurrences, filtering to return only those with a count greater than one.

-- Identify duplicate customer records based on 'customer_name' and 'email'
    COUNT(*) AS duplicate_count
    COUNT(*) > 1;

Explanation of Complex Segments

-- The SELECT clause specifies the columns to be returned.
-- We include 'customer_name' and 'email' to identify duplicates.
-- The COUNT(*) AS duplicate_count will show the number of times each (customer_name, email) pair appears.
    COUNT(*) AS duplicate_count

-- The FROM clause specifies the source table for the query.

-- The GROUP BY clause groups the results by 'customer_name' and 'email', 
-- so that each combination is considered a unique group.

-- The HAVING clause filters the groups to return only those 
-- where the count (number of duplicates) is greater than one.
    COUNT(*) > 1;

Method to Resolve Duplicates

One common approach to resolving duplicate records involves:

  1. Selecting the most relevant or latest entry based on specific criteria (e.g., latest created_at timestamp).
  2. Deleting or merging the duplicate records.
  3. Ensuring future data integrity with constraints or unique indexes.

Below is a query that could be used to delete duplicates while retaining the latest entry, based on an additional column, created_at.

-- Create a temporary table to store IDs of duplicate rows to be deleted
WITH DuplicateRecords AS (
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY customer_name, email ORDER BY created_at DESC) AS row_num
-- Delete duplicate rows, keeping only the first instance (latest entry)
DELETE FROM customer
WHERE customer_id IN (
        row_num > 1

Explanation of Complex Segments

-- Using a Common Table Expression (CTE) named 'DuplicateRecords' for readability
WITH DuplicateRecords AS (
    -- Selecting customer_id and a row number that resets for each (customer_name, email) group
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY customer_name, email ORDER BY created_at DESC) AS row_num
-- Deleting records from the customer table where the row number is greater than 1
-- Hence, only the most recent record (row_num = 1) based on 'created_at' is retained
DELETE FROM customer
WHERE customer_id IN (
        row_num > 1


The provided SQL query identifies and removes duplicate records efficiently. Utilizing techniques such as ROW_NUMBER() allows for the retention of the most relevant records while eliminating older duplicates. For a more detailed understanding of advanced SQL techniques, consider exploring courses on the Enterprise DNA Platform.

Mastering SQL Fundamentals

Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 06/24/2024


Give me some clear and concise ideas on how to learn the fundamentals of using sql

Learning the Fundamentals of SQL

To effectively learn SQL fundamentals, it is important to focus on key areas and adopt a structured approach. Below are some clear and concise ideas to help you get started.

1. Understanding the Basics

Start by familiarizing yourself with the fundamental concepts of SQL:

  1. What is SQL: SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard language for managing and manipulating databases.
  2. Types of SQL Commands:
    • Data Query Language (DQL): SELECT
    • Data Definition Language (DDL): CREATE, ALTER, DROP
    • Data Manipulation Language (DML): INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
    • Data Control Language (DCL): GRANT, REVOKE

2. Key SQL Concepts

Learn and practice the following essential SQL concepts:

  1. SELECT Statement: Used to query data from a database.

    SELECT column1, column2
    FROM table_name;
  2. WHERE Clause: Used to filter records.

    SELECT column1, column2
    FROM table_name
    WHERE condition;
  3. JOIN Operations: Combine rows from two or more tables.

    SELECT a.column1, b.column2
    FROM table_a a
    JOIN table_b b ON a.common_field = b.common_field;
  4. Aggregate Functions: Perform calculations on multiple rows.

    SELECT COUNT(*), AVG(column1), SUM(column2)
    FROM table_name;
  5. GROUP BY Clause: Group rows sharing a property.

    SELECT column1, COUNT(*)
    FROM table_name
    GROUP BY column1;
  6. ORDER BY Clause: Sort the result set.

    SELECT column1, column2
    FROM table_name
    ORDER BY column1 ASC; -- or DESC for descending
  7. Subqueries: Nested queries for complex conditions.

    SELECT column1
    FROM table_name
    WHERE column2 IN (SELECT column2 FROM another_table WHERE condition);

3. Practical Application

Create small projects or practice exercises to reinforce learning:

  1. Database Creation and Manipulation

    CREATE TABLE Users (
        UserID int,
        UserName varchar(255),
        UserEmail varchar(255)
    INSERT INTO Users (UserID, UserName, UserEmail) VALUES (1, 'John Doe', '[email protected]');
  2. Data Analysis

    SELECT UserName, COUNT(*) AS OrdersCount
    FROM Orders
    GROUP BY UserName
    ORDER BY OrdersCount DESC;

4. Utilizing Resources

Take advantage of available resources to deepen your knowledge:

  1. Books and Tutorials: Start with beginner guides to establish a solid foundation.
  2. Online Courses and Certifications: Consider using the Enterprise DNA Platform.
  3. SQL Practice Sites: Sites like LeetCode, HackerRank, and SQLZoo offer practical SQL problems.
  4. Documentation and Forums: Engage with the SQL community on platforms like Stack Overflow.

5. SQL Best Practices

Adopt best practices to enhance efficiency and clarity in your SQL writing:

  1. Use Meaningful Table and Column Names: Enhances readability.

  2. Comment Your Code: Helpful for maintenance and collaboration.

    -- This query selects and counts orders grouped by user name
    SELECT UserName, COUNT(*) AS OrdersCount
    FROM Orders
    GROUP BY UserName
    ORDER BY OrdersCount DESC;
  3. *Avoid Select : Specify only the required columns to optimize performance.

    SELECT column1, column2
    FROM table_name;
  4. Use Indexes Wisely: Improve query performance.

Closing Remarks

By focusing on the areas above and practicing consistently, you will build a strong foundation in SQL. Utilize various learning methods and continually apply what you learn through practical exercises and projects. Consider engaging in courses provided by platforms like Enterprise DNA to accelerate your learning process.