

Comprehensive analysis of FILTERS(), VALUES(), and ALLSELECTED() functions in DAX with a focus on Weighted Turnover Calculation and Weighted Average Turnover Calculation.

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Comprehensive analysis of FILTERS(), VALUES(), and ALLSELECTED() functions in DAX with a focus on Weighted Turnover Calculation and Weighted Average Turnover Calculation.

Understanding FILTERS(), VALUES(), and ALLSELECTED() in DAX

Tool: Languages Advisor

Created: 03/24/2024


Within a viz, I want to remove all context from a table except a few fields and calculated weighted average (within region/subregion/facility, find turnover at each address, and calculate wt avg turnover based on total appts at each address.)

Hierachary: Region->SubRegion->Facility->Address->LocationCode
I want to know what is the difference between:
1.WtTurnover New =
VAR lowerbound=0.008
VAR upperbound=0.13
VALUES(ā€˜Roomsā€™[Rooms Address])
,ā€œTā€,[Turnover New]
,ā€œAā€,[Total Appt by Address New]
,lowerbound<=[Turnover New]&&[Turnover New]<=upperbound
,FILTERS(ā€˜Roomsā€™[Rooms Region])
,FILTERS('Rooms '[Rooms Sub Region])
,FILTERS('Rooms '[Rooms Facility Name])
VAR numerator=SUMX(rooms,[A]*[T])
VAR denominator=SUMX(rooms,[A])

RETURN DIVIDE(numerator,denominator,BLANK())

2.WtTurnover New 2 =
VAR lowerbound=0.008
VAR upperbound=0.13
VALUES(ā€˜Roomsā€™[Rooms Address])
,ā€œTā€,[Turnover New]
,ā€œAā€,[Total Appt by Address New]
,lowerbound<=[Turnover New]&&[Turnover New]<=upperbound
,VALUES(ā€˜Roomsā€™[Rooms Region])
,VALUES(ā€˜Roomsā€™[Rooms Sub Region])
,VALUES(ā€˜Roomsā€™[Rooms Facility Name])
VAR numerator=SUMX(rooms,[A]*[T])
VAR denominator=SUMX(rooms,[A])

RETURN DIVIDE(numerator,denominator,BLANK())

Option 1 returned what I want.
I donā€™t understand why at the Location Code level, option 2 returned a different results(Highlighted yellow, it returned the turnover calculated at address level, but I didnt add VALUES(Rooms Address) within option 2 and I thought allselected() would remove context from address and location code and option 2 would behave exactly as option 1.

Thanks. Any help is appreciated.

Based on your question, it seems there is a fundamental misunderstanding between how FILTERS() and VALUES() functions operate, and ALLSELECTED() function.

The FILTERS() function in DAX returns the set of filters applied on a column, while VALUES() function returns a one-column table containing the distinct values in a column.

Difference between Option 1 and Option 2

The key difference between the two calculations is whether they preserve the entire context of user selections (Option 2) or only a subset of those selections (Option 1). Option 1 uses FILTERS() to restrict the context for each of the columns Rooms Region, Rooms Sub Region, and Rooms Facility Name. In contrast, Option 2 uses VALUES() instead of FILTERS(), which allows all distinct values of the columns preserving only the filters directly applied by the user.

Reason for difference in results

Reason why the results from the two calculations do not match is how ALLSELECTED() is working in both options. ALLSELECTED() removes filters from the column in the entire table and retains the context of user selection, which includes the values of other columns, such as Address and Location Code.

In Option 1, even though you used ALLSELECTED('Rooms'), the filters for Region, Subregion, and Facility Name are explicitly added back due to FILTERS(). Therefore, it will calculate the weighted average turnover for each individual Region->SubRegion->Facility->Address.

However, in Option 2, ALLSELECTED('Rooms') is removing all the filters from the Rooms table but VALUES() does not add back the filters for individual columns (Region, Subregion, Facility Name). Therefore, the weighted average turnover at the Address level is returned because the context of Address is preserved due to user selection and added back due to VALUES().


To make Option 2 behave exactly as Option 1, you would have follow the method used in Option 1, i.e., use FILTERS() instead of VALUES(). This would mean that instead of preserving all the distinct values, you only need to consider the specific filters applied by the user.

Weighted Turnover Calculation in DAX Code

Tool: Code Explainer

Created: 03/24/2024


Hierachary: Region->SubRegion->Facility->Address->LocationCode
I want to know what is the difference between:
1.WtTurnover New =
VAR lowerbound=0.008
VAR upperbound=0.13
VALUES(ā€˜Roomsā€™[Rooms Address])
,ā€œTā€,[Turnover New]
,ā€œAā€,[Total Appt by Address New]
,lowerbound<=[Turnover New]&&[Turnover New]<=upperbound
,FILTERS(ā€˜Roomsā€™[Rooms Region])
,FILTERS('Rooms '[Rooms Sub Region])
,FILTERS('Rooms '[Rooms Facility Name])
VAR numerator=SUMX(rooms,[A]*[T])
VAR denominator=SUMX(rooms,[A])

RETURN DIVIDE(numerator,denominator,BLANK())

This code snippet is written in DAX (Data Analysis Expressions), a formula language used in Power BI. The code calculates a 'Weighted Turnover' for a subset of a table named 'Rooms'. Now let's break down the code.

  1. Hierarchy

    Region->SubRegion->Facility->Address->LocationCode shows a hierarchical relationship, indicating that each Region contains SubRegions, each SubRegion contains multiple Facilities, each Facility has an Address, and each Address has a LocationCode.

  2. Variables Declarations

    VAR lowerbound=0.008, VAR upperbound=0.13 are variable declarations. These variables are thresholds used later in the script.

  3. Calculation of 'rooms' Table

    The rooms variable is a calculated table, using the CALCULATETABLE function, which evaluates a table expression in a context modified by filters. Inside CALCULATETABLE, a new temporary table is created using ADDCOLUMNS, which appends calculated fields namely "T" (Turnover New) and "A" (Total Appt by Address New) to the original 'Rooms' table.

    The FILTER function inside CALCULATETABLE filters this newly created table to include only rows where 'Turnover New' is between lowerbound and upperbound.

    The 'Rooms' table is then further filtered to consider only the current selections made by the user for 'Region', 'SubRegion', and 'Facility Name' using ALLSELECTED and FILTERS.

  4. Calculation of 'numerator' and 'denominator'

    The numerator is the sum of the product of columns 'A' and 'T' of the rooms table, computed using the SUMX function.

    The denominator is the sum of 'A' values in the rooms table.

  5. Return Statement

    The final line, RETURN DIVIDE(numerator,denominator,BLANK()), returns the division of numerator and denominator. If denominator is zero, instead of returning an error, it returns a BLANK().

    Therefore, the function computes a particular type of weighted average, where turnover is considered only if it falls within certain bounds and corresponds to currently selected context filters.

Weighted Turnover Calculation in DAX

Tool: Code Explainer

Created: 03/24/2024


2.WtTurnover New 2 =
VAR lowerbound=0.008
VAR upperbound=0.13
VALUES(ā€˜Roomsā€™[Rooms Address])
,ā€œTā€,[Turnover New]
,ā€œAā€,[Total Appt by Address New]
,lowerbound<=[Turnover New]&&[Turnover New]<=upperbound
,VALUES(ā€˜Roomsā€™[Rooms Region])
,VALUES(ā€˜Roomsā€™[Rooms Sub Region])
,VALUES(ā€˜Roomsā€™[Rooms Facility Name])
VAR numerator=SUMX(rooms,[A]*[T])
VAR denominator=SUMX(rooms,[A])

RETURN DIVIDE(numerator,denominator,BLANK())

This code snippet is written in Data Analysis Expressions (DAX), a formula language used mainly with Power BI Desktop and Power Pivot in Excel. The code calculates a weighted turnover. Here's a detailed explanation:

1. Code Analysis:

The line of code VAR lowerbound=0.008 and VAR upperbound=0.13 sets two variables lowerbound and upperbound respectively.

rooms is declared as a variable which holds a table. The CALCULATETABLE function generates it by filtering and adding columns to 'Rooms', based on multiple filtering conditions.

numerator and denominator are variables representing the numerator and denominator used to calculate the turnover.

The DIVIDE() function is used to divide the numerator by denominator, returning a blank value if the denominator equals zero.

2. Key Concepts:

  • Variables in DAX allow results of expressions to be stored in-memory for subsequent use.
  • CALCULATETABLE function in DAX takes a table or an expression that returns a table and further filters that table.
  • ADDCOLUMNS is used to calculate results row by row and add these as new columns.
  • VALUES function creates a one-column table that contains unique values from the specified table column.
  • FILTER function is used to filter a table and keep rows that meet the specified criteria.
  • ALLSELECTED removes filters on columns in the same table as the column being evaluated and retains all other filters.
  • SUMX returns a sum of expressions evaluated for each row in a table.

3. Expanded Breakdown of the Code:

VAR lowerbound=0.008
VAR upperbound=0.13

The above part of the code declares two variables and assigns them values.

VALUES(ā€˜Roomsā€™[Rooms Address])
,ā€œTā€,[Turnover New]
,ā€œAā€,[Total Appt by Address New]
,lowerbound<=[Turnover New]&&[Turnover New]<=upperbound
,VALUES(ā€˜Roomsā€™[Rooms Region])
,VALUES(ā€˜Roomsā€™[Rooms Sub Region])
,VALUES(ā€˜Roomsā€™[Rooms Facility Name])

Declared a 'rooms' variable which represents a calculated table constructed from existing 'Rooms', augmented with additional columns and filtered by multiple conditions.

VAR numerator=SUMX(rooms,[A]*[T])
VAR denominator=SUMX(rooms,[A])

The variables numerator and denominator are calculated.

RETURN DIVIDE(numerator,denominator,BLANK())

The result of dividing the numerator by the denominator. If the denominator is zero, it returns BLANK().

4. Alternative Code:

An alternative way to compute the numerator would be to use SUMX(FILTER(rooms, [A] > 0), [A]*[T]) to ensure there are no rows with zero in column A - as multiplying by zero would turn column T's value to zero.

DAX Weighted Average Turnover Calculation

Tool: Code Simplifier

Created: 03/24/2024


Within a viz, I want to remove all context from a table except a few fields and calculated weighted average (within region/subregion/facility, find turnover at each address, and calculate wt avg turnover based on total appts at each address.)

Hierachary: Region->SubRegion->Facility->Address->LocationCode
I want to know what is the difference between:
1.WtTurnover New =
VAR lowerbound=0.008
VAR upperbound=0.13
VALUES(ā€˜Roomsā€™[Rooms Address])
,ā€œTā€,[Turnover New]
,ā€œAā€,[Total Appt by Address New]
,lowerbound<=[Turnover New]&&[Turnover New]<=upperbound
,FILTERS(ā€˜Roomsā€™[Rooms Region])
,FILTERS('Rooms '[Rooms Sub Region])
,FILTERS('Rooms '[Rooms Facility Name])
VAR numerator=SUMX(rooms,[A]*[T])
VAR denominator=SUMX(rooms,[A])

RETURN DIVIDE(numerator,denominator,BLANK())

The original code snippet is in DAX (Data Analysis Expressions), a formula language used primarily with Power BI Desktop. Its main purpose is to calculate a weighted average turnover limited to a specific range. The calculation is done in five main steps:

  1. A table, Rooms, is filtered to only include rows where the field Turnover New is between the lowerbound and upperbound.
  2. The filters applied to the visuals are maintained.
  3. The chosen rows' Turnover New and Total Appt by Address New values are multiplied and the results are summed up to create the numerator.
  4. The Total Appt by Address New values for all the selected rows are summed up to create the denominator.
  5. The numerator is divided by the denominator to get the weighted average.

To simplify this code, using CALCULATE instead of CALCULATETABLE will automatically consider the filters applied to the visuals. Here is the simplified DAX version:

WeightedTurnoverNew =
VAR lowerbound = 0.008
VAR upperbound = 0.13
        VALUES('Rooms'[Rooms Address]),
        lowerbound <= CALCULATE([Turnover New]) && CALCULATE([Turnover New]) <= upperbound
    "T", [Turnover New],
    "A", [Total Appt by Address New]
VAR numerator = SUMX(rooms,[A]*[T])
VAR denominator = SUMX(rooms,[A])
RETURN DIVIDE(numerator,denominator,BLANK())

Some courses on our Enterprise DNA Platform that might help you further in understanding DAX are "DAX Foundation", "Advanced DAX", and "Mastering DAX Calculations".

Always remember:

  • Maintain the code readability.
  • Keep the use of variables for better design and to avoid extra calculations.
  • Ensure to conduct test cases to validate all operations.